Info Sheet
Edna Mahan (EMCF) Women are Entitled to Money.
What you need to know...
Let's make sure that every single woman and person who was imprisoned at
Edna Mahan since 2014 knows about this.
Claim your money. Share the form.
You may know that there is a class action settlement for the women of Edna Mahan.
Every person who spent a single day imprisoned at Edna Mahan since January 1, 2014 (through now) is
Entitled to at least $1,000 (and as much as $250,000).
But the Deadline to file a claim is October 29, 2021, less than 2 weeks away!
How do you get your money?
You need to fill out the 2 page form (Available HERE)
BUT you must submit it by October 29, 2021- just a few weeks from now!
Quick tips:
* There are 3 tiers. You can find all the details in the attached form but here's the quick rundown on finding the Tier for you...
1. Tier 1: Every person who was incarcerated at Edna Mahan for at least 1 day since January 2014 qualifies for at least Tier 1 and will receive $1,000 + $20/ per month spent at Edna. Just submit the form.
2. Tier 2: Anyone who experienced sexual harassment including sexually derogatory language, being watched innapropriately like while showering, retaliation for reporting sexual harassment, etc.
Tier 2 claimants may receive up to $4,500 depending on the situation. You need to fill out the form AND an "affidavit"- it's just the story of your experience, with some legal formality. We can help you write it. Just fill out the form and check the box to let us know you would like help. Submit as soon as possible so we can get your affidavit submitted before the Oct 29 deadline.
What else do you need to prove your case? If you have proof, like a letter where you told someone what happened, that will strengthen your claim but it is not required. You can speak at a hearing if you want to tell your story but you don't have to. If your Tier 2 claim is not accepted, you will still receive your Tier 1 funds.
3. Tier 3: Anyone who experienced sexual abuse- this means you, yourself, experienced sexual, physical touching at EMCF whether it was over or under the clothes. This includes anything on the spectrum from being grinded against or having your breast groped to experiencing sexual acts with or by EMCF staff.
Tier 3 claimants may receive up to $250,000 depending on the situation. You need to fill out the form AND an "affidavit"- it's just the story of your experience, with some legal formality. We can help you write it. Just fill out the form and check the box to let us know you would like help. Submit as soon as possible so we can get your affidavit submitted before the Oct 29 deadline.
Note: what else you will need to prove you case. We will need to provide any available proof, like perhaps a letter where you told someone what happened. We can work with you to help figure out what that might be. You will also need to share your story at a hearing, but you will not be cross examined. If your Tier 3 claim is not accepted, you will still receive your Tier 1 or Tier 2 funds.
Common Questions
* When will I get my money?
If you only file for Tier 1 then you will receive your money on or around January 27, 2022.
If you file for Tier 2 or Tier 3 then you will receive your money 90 days after all awards are heard and decided.
* Confidentiality? I'm still incarcerated/ I'm on parole and I don't want to rock the boat. Is this for me?
The information goes to someone called a ‘Special Master’ who has been hired to hear these claims and he is supposed to keep it all confidential.
* Legal Questions? People are here to help. Contact:
Claims Administrator: 1-844-810-1507,
* Non- Legal Support? You are not alone. Don't hesitate to reach out to someone to talk.
NJ Hopeline 1-855-654-6735
* Find the 2 page Claim Form in the full settlement notification packet (last 2 pages of packet) HERE
* This Info Sheet is avialable in PDF for easy printing HERE