These are names of human beings who died in NJ Prisons during the Covid Pandemic.

Disclaimer: Due to a brutal history involving a lack of transparency and accountability by the NJ DOC, the NJ-PJW Coalition has monitored reported deaths on a daily basis since COVID-19 began. Based on this daily tracking of the NJ DOC's own reporting on its official website, we believe these deaths to be related to COVID-19 or conditions related to COVID-19 in the NJ Prison System.

These are their names below. We will always #SayTheirNames.

Ricky James

Tonny Kock

Peter Shanley

Chart Chavalaporn

Frank Silvera

Michael Wilson

Abdul Aziz Farrakhan

William Prell

James Trotman

Carmelo Herrera

Timothy Moorman

Qahhar Saabir

Vito Nigro

Calvert Buchanan

Elias Chalet

Thomas DeGroat

William Conway

Roberto Rivera

Robert Livingston

N'namdi Azikiwe

David Brown

Darrell Parks

Morgan Youngblood

Candido Casarez

Michael Bright

Calvert McKenzie

Tiffany Mofield

Denise Nagrodski

Anthony Brown

Rory S. Price

Robert Brown

Kevin Ellington

Vincent Kurczewski

Charles Ullery

Larry Yellock

Andrew Dixon

Jose Roman

Ricardo Williamson

Artis Kato

Bernard Waddell

Nelson Perdomo

Maria Gibbs

Susan Cicalo

Peter Simunovich

Richard Debow

Sheldon Kyle

Wayne Davis

Joseph Morrison

George Willburgh

LaPatrick Turner

Bennie Devone

Damien Jasper

Corey Mirchell

Jay Goldberg

Quadamah Hamilton

George Marx

Thomas Clements

Hugo Sandoval

Louis Giambi

Casilla Bienvenido

Vincent Brandon

Miguel Hernandez

Andrew Vayda

Michael Oliver

Richard Harris

Edward Grimes

Mark Magee

Michael Ricks

Edward Yates

Higinio Jiminez

Ken Mann

Calvin Bell

Robert Kacewich

Ambrose Harris

Nathaniel Harvey

Tirado Graciano

Antonio Perez

Douglas Gorham

Donald Wilkerson

Gerald Wilson

Gary Anderson

Johnnie Willard

Together we must continue to
#DecarcerateCOVID19 & #SayTheirNames
to stop this list from getting longer…

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